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Giant Sports Announces Launch of Dexamine

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Giant Sports launches the much anticipated follow up product to their rapidly growing and universally acclaimed Delicious Protein® line - Dexamine® - a cutting edge and innovative weight management product destined to be a key, impact player in the highly competitive, Dietary Supplement Weight Management Segment.

Giant Sports Products LLC (http://www.giantsportsproducts.com) of Brick, New Jersey, responsible for one of the fastest growing protein powders in the global sports nutrition and health supplement markets with their award winning, "2012 New Product Supplement of the Year" in Canada, Giant Sports Delicious Protein® line announced the distribution of their much anticipated second product: Dexamine®.

Dexamine is a unique dietary supplement designed to be a weight management tool that substantially assists people in attaining their physique goals by helping them achieve more desirable bodyfat levels.

“We’re very excited by the launch of Dexamine,” says Peter Jungsberger, Managing Director of Giant Sports Products. “This product was a long time coming and we are happy that we were able to get it distributed in time for the ‘New Years Resolution’ crowd who are just some of the people that can benefit from a high end, high quality product in this category like Dexamime.”

The product uses two dietary ingredients that are unique in the area of weight management and bodyfat amelioration, ingredients that were traditionally used for other reasons in other segments of the dietary supplement marketplace but appear in this segment of the market for the first time in Dexamine.

“This was one of the more difficult products for me to design in my extensive career as a product formulator but all of us at Giant feel it is absolutely going to be the key impact player in the weight management dietary supplement market for 2013,” says Bruce Kneller, Chief Formulator for Giant Sports Products. “All the active ingredients are based on cutting edge science & research. On top of that, individually, many of the ingredients have multiple trials conducted on them in human models with statistically significant and encouraging data. Data that were published in peer reviewed, refereed scientific journals of impeccable standards. Further, our proprietary ingredient GojiLean™ which is a specialized extract from the Tibetan Goji Berry, is standardized for 40% polysaccharide content for maximal efficacy. This was an exceedingly difficult ingredient to develop and source for Giant Sports due to current, global geopolitical situations. However, because two separate, peer-reviewed and published studies in humans conducted at the University of California/Irvine previously demonstrate that Goji Berry Extract containing 40% polysaccharide content have the potential to be a critical dietary ingredients in the area of weight management we insisted that this amazing ingredient be included in our Dexamine product.”

“Dexamine, like all of the dietary supplements that Giant Sports Products markets and sells has been thoroughly vetted by at least one board certified, licensed physician in the United States, “ says Joe Babick, Vice President for Sales & Marketing at Giant Sports. “In the case of Dexamine, the product has been reviewed by two physicians - one who holds board certification in Preventive Medicine and who has over a decade of experience in drug safety and pharmacovigilance and the other who hold dual board certification in Internal Medicine and Anesthesiology and who is currently the Chairman of the Anesthesiology Department at a hospital here in New Jersey. Very few other companies’ dietary supplements in this or any other category can say this about their product or products and it is something that is a great source of pride for us here at Giant Sports.”

Dexamine is currently available in bottles that contain 60 capsules and represents up to a full, two month supply for the average person.

“Most weight management supplements are packaged in a 30 day supply or maybe in a 6 week supply at most,” says Peter Jungsberger. “Since we think that to optimize weight management results requires at least a two month commitment, we want to make it more convenient for the consumer so we elected to package the product this way. Obviously, a sensible diet and exercise program are an integral part of any weight management program that is to have long lasting results. At Giant Sports we feel the longer we can keep people motivated to choose a healthier lifestyle via a sensible diet and exercise, the more likely they are to ‘stick with it’ and make these changes a permanent part of their daily lives.”

Giant Sports anticipates the product will be available shortly in Canada through the famous Popeye's Supplements chain of stores (http://www.popeyescanada.com), Supplements Canada (http://www.supplementscanada.com) and through Karma Nutritionals (http://www.karmanutritionals.com) one of  the leading distributor of sports and health products in Canada.

Statements in this press release have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. None of the products or services offered or described in this press release are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.