Q. I’ve heard that at Westside the lifters do a lot of extra workouts. What do these consist of, and how often should they be done?
A. We know that ideally a workout should last 45 to 60 minutes due to our energy and testosterone levels dropping after this, but we also know that in order to achieve the goals we set, we must do more. We’re able to do more by doing small workouts that last 20 to 30 minutes, 12 to 24 hours after major workouts. These workouts can be used to increase general physical preparedness, to bring up weak muscle groups, or for recovery, depending on what the athlete needs most.
You can often figure out what you need by simply looking in the mirror. If you’re carrying excess body fat, your extra workouts may consist of sled dragging, walking with ankle weights, or some interval training. If your shoulders are big but your arms are small, your extra workout would be structured to build those up with exercises such as extensions and pushdowns. Or if your body is feeling beat-up, your extra workout may consist of massage, sauna, whirlpool, and so forth. Basically, whatever it is you need most is what dictates your extra workout.