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EVL's Prague Pro 2012 Competitors List

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Canada's own Justine Munro competes in the 2012 IFBB EVL's Prague Pro this weekend!  

List Of Pro Competitors


Ronnie Blewit
Michelle Brannan
Gemmalyn Crosby
Diana Graham
Andrea Hertlein
Justine Munro - TEAM CANADA
Noemi Olah
Ozdemir Figen
Talia Teresa
Casey Lee Trailer
Anna Virmajoki
Nikola Weiterova

MEN'S 212

Sami Alhaddad
Khalid Almohsinawi
Steve Benthin
Edurado Correa De silva
Fauzi Hanst
Flex Lewis
Lukas Osladil
Lee Powell
Frederic Sauvage


Jamie atienza
Grigori Atoyan
Markus Becht
Thomas Benagli
William Bonac
Toney Freeman
Ralf Herget
Johnnie Jackson
Michael Kefalianos
Juri Leonov
Fernando Noronha
Edward Nunn
Robert Piotrowicz
Shawn Rhoden
Ronny Rockel
Daniele Seccarecci
Sergey Sheletsov
Alvin Small
Tommi Thorvildsen
Eddy Wilson
Roelly Winklaar
Dennis Wolf