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Evan Centopani Wins FLEX Pro

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Congratulations goes out to Evan Centopani for winning the FLEX Pro show! This was the second pro show win for the big man and it's now put him in a whole new league as he was able to defeat former Mr. Olympia Dexter Jackson! Evan's size and ripped physique was an impossible combination for any competitor to match. But we also had 2 Canadians take 2 of the top 5 positions as Fouad Abiad took 3rd followed by Ben Pakulski who took 5th. Congratulations to all athletes for putting so much into their prep for this showdown.

1. Evan Centopani - $15,000
2. Dexter Jackson - $7,000.00
3. Fouad Abiad-$5,000.00
4. Dennis Wolf
*top 3 qualifies for Mr.O 2011

5. Ben Pakulski
6. Ben White
7. Grigori Atoyan
8. Vladmir Sizov
9. Stan Efferding
10. Omar Deckard
11. Constantinos Demetriou
12. Robert Belisle
13. Daniel Hill
14. Milton Holloway, Jr.
15. Jo Jo Ntiforo
16. Danius Brazinskas
16. Wendell Floyd
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