Can I Get Ripped Without Cardio
Q. I’m sick of always having to walk on the treadmill or ride the bike for an hour or more per day when I’m trying to get lean. Is there any other way for me to get ripped without having to do cardio?
A. Complexes will do the trick. Complexes are a group of exercises that are performed consecutively without rest. They can be done with a barbell or dumbbells, and when done right, they’ll set your metabolism into overdrive. The best part is that you won’t lose muscle when you do complexes. In fact, you may even gain muscle! A great example of a barbell complex looks like this:
1. Standing Military Press × 8 reps
2. Barbell Row × 8 reps
3. Romanian Deadlift × 8 reps
4. Sumo Deadlift × 8 reps
Rest 90 seconds after the barbell complex and perform five total rounds for an awesome fat-torching workout. For more hardcore workouts to get you shredded fast, check out our new DVD, Shock Training. This is a training style unlike anything you’ve experienced before, combining old-school experience with new-school research to get you bigger and more ripped than ever. Check it out at