Sports Nutrition Insider
QUESTION: What's Brown Adipose Tissue?
ANSWER: Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT) is a type of fat that is more metabolically active than regular white fat. In fact, the reason for its darker color is that it has more mitochondria than white fat. Mitochondria are the energy centres of the cell. BAT is found in large amounts in babies and some animals but adults have very little. BAT functions to produce heat, a process known as thermogenesis. Babies and many animals will use extra energy to produce heat in BAT, which increases their calorie requirements. Unfortunately, adult humans cannot rely on BAT to help them burn fat because they don’t have nearly as much of this tissue in their bodies. Therefore, be weary of weight-loss products that promote fat loss through BAT, these products lack scientific credibility and are relying on animal research and marketing.