Best Exercise Per Bodypart
QUESTION: If i could do only one exercise for each of the following body parts (Back, Biceps, Triceps, Chest, Quads, Hamstrings, Calves, Shoulders) what would it be?
ANSWER: One exercise per body part eh? Who am I, Arthur Jones. LOL Ok, for back I would have to say barbell rows. Biceps I would pick preacher curls with an EZ-curl bar. Triceps I would do heavy pulley pushdowns. Chest I would have to pick a low incline bench press with dumbbells. Since you can only do one exercise for quads I would pick heavy leg presses. Some might say squats, but with only one exercise u would reach quad failure safer and easier with leg presses. Stiff legged deads would be my choice for hamstrings. Calves I would go with heavy toe presses on the leg press machine. And finally with shoulders with only one exercise to choose from, I'd go with wide-grip upright rows. I suppose if you did this workout 2 or 3 days a week. you could see some pretty good results. I hope these choices are to your liking my friend!
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