Apart from his GASP clothing contract, Canadian IFBB Pro Ben "Pak Man" Pakulski (pictured above with MUSCLE INSIDER owner Scott Welch) has enlisted the services of veteran trainer Charles Glass! This could be the move Ben needs to take his physique to the next level. He's now training 6 days a week at Gold's Gym Venice and at 11 weeks out from the FLEX Pro show, he's tipping the scales at a hard 310 pounds! Glass is a genius when it comes to training and we were fortunate enough get an interview with him in our current issue of MUSCLE INSIDER. His speciality is modifying exercises to hit muscle groups from angles they're not used to being put in. It's definitely a lot of change from Ben's normal style of training and has included less volume but has kept the weight on each exercise heavier than what he's used to. According to Ben his goal for this contest is to:
"...be better; more complete and balanced. Not just the typical “bigger” that most guys strive for."