Attacking Water Retention
Q. How would you help an athlete who's experiencing water retention leading up to a contest?
A: Since people—no matter how similar they look on the outside—are completely different, one specific answer won't solve every case of water retention. I could go on for hours about how to remedy all the different scenarios for different cases. What I can say, however, is that the key to working this type of problem out is not waiting until the last minute to seek help. As soon as you know you're having water problems—which will be evident right off the bat—attack it immediately. Learn early on—well in advance of your show—how to read your physique. Most athletes are in tune with themselves enough to know that certain foods, condiments and so on can make them retain water—or that their body naturally holds water more than the average person's does. Whatever the cause for the water retention, procrastination isn't the best way to attack the problem.
Courtesy of MUSCLE NEWS