Q. Last issue you took a hard stance on protein and how much bodybuilders should be taking. This was a hot topic on www.MuscleInsider.com and other sites. Do you still feel just as strong about the subject?
A. In world class bodybuilders, such as Mr. Olympia, who hold huge amounts of muscle mass and low amounts of body fat, regardless of weight or size or calories burned, the 30-gram protein rule does not change. The same holds true with other elite athletes. The average non-athlete does not require an intake of 30 grams of protein at one time and can achieve protein homeostasis by ingesting specific forms and amounts of protein throughout the day. Based on my research, using proteins at the 30-gram dose in an inappropriate ketogenic formula or product (proteins without carbohydrates) can cause serious problems, including ketosis, elevated liver enzymes, and liver strain. Some research suggests that humans ingesting ketogenic proteins (i.e., those without any carbs) and low carb meal replacement products may result in increased body fat levels via elevation of insulin and LPL fat storage in fat cells. Ketogenic protein drinks and meal replacements are contraindicated. Protein drinks and protein products that contain only sugar alcohols, certain synthetic sweeteners, and other non-carbohydrate ingredients may hinder healthy protein storage capacity and push the body into ketosis. For maximum growth hormone (GH) release, protein drinks should not be consumed near bedtime, as this causes lowered delta-stimulated GH and testosterone production. Proteins that contain high glycemic ingredients result in increased body fat levels via elevation of insulin, lipoprotein (LPL), and fat storage in adipose tissue fat cells.