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2012 IFBB Kentucky Muscle Pro Results

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IFBB Pro Ann Titone wins!

2012 IFBB Kentucky Muscle Pro Results

By: Jaime Filer

The last Pro Figure show of the season proved to be a great sucess, as the lineup of competitors this weekend was fierce. After the dust settled, Ann Titone ended her season on a high note, and overcame the deep pool of competitors to come out on top in Kentucky.

Figure Class

1. Ann Titone
2. Dana Ambrose
3. Bernita Stuckey
4. Vicki Counts
5. Alicia Harris
6. Rosalind Vanterpool
7. Krista Dunn
8. Jessie Hilgenberg
9. Tiffany Procopio
10. Monica Labriola
11. Tivisay Briceno
12. Tara Hollingsworth
13. Chikondi Mseka
14. Elisha Archibold
15. Daphne Bascom
16. Paula Frega
16. Simone Mack