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The Shredded Nutrition Diet By John Robert Cardillo
John Robert Cardillo - John Robert Cardillo
To understand the benefits of intermittent fasting, we must first understand how the body uses macronutrients. To do that, it’s best to take a look at our distant ancestors. Let’s say you could take... more
How HIT3 Training Causes Muscle Growth By John Robert Cardillo
John Robert Cardillo - John Robert Cardillo
Positive Concentric Failure The First Principle of HIT3 training is performing a set of exercise until the muscle being worked is unable to perform one more full rep because it’s reached positive/... more
The meaning of “intensity” is the effort being exerted to perform a specific task. The meaning of “HIT3 HI-Intensity Training” is the extreme degree of an all-out effort being exerted against heavy... more
Carrot Cake Protein Bites
Michelle Ralph-Larose - Michelle Ralph-Larose
These are a delicious quick bite either on the go when you need an energy boost, simply that something to tie you over from getting hangry or just a little something that feels like an indulgence. ... more
How Much Money Can Personal Trainers Make? By John Robert Cardillo
John Robert Cardillo - John Robert Cardillo
In the past, when my company employed over 800 personal trainers, I would often pose the following question to them: Why do professionals such as lawyers, doctors, accountants, engineers, architects... more
They're four components to physical activity: frequency (how often), intensity (how hard), type (what kind), and time (how long). In a recent study, researchers found that time and intensity of... more
