Getting to know gluten
Gluten is a protein that is found in wheat, rye, barley, and processed foods. Essentially, it’s the glue that gives breads, pastas and baked goods their doughy texture by holding them together. Gluten can also found in sauces you wouldn’t even think (such as ketchup or salsa), processed/ packaged foods, and even sports supplements. Some people are unable to process gluten, causing symptoms that can become serious if they are completely gluten intolerant—in other words, celiac disease. Others may have milder gluten sensitivity issues—it’s actually estimated that one in six people do and don’t even know! Symptoms can including anything from bad gas to degenerative organ damage from a lifelong unnoticed gluten sensitivity. Even if you are free from these ailments, I would still suggest to try cutting gluten from your diet. Why? The same sticky substance that gives these foods their doughy texture, clogs the walls of your intestines, preventing proper digestion
and nutrient absorption.
Other issues gluten can cause are pain and joint inflammation and even immune distress. Foods that contain gluten can be removed from your diet without any ill effects, and I would advise you to try it. A sick athlete is not a productive athlete! As the president of Nutrabolics, I realize the need to cater to our fans with dietary restrictions and those wanting to make this healthy lifestyle change. After all, everything we do is for our fans! We’re constantly researching and formulating new supplements to help take your training and health to the next level. For this reason, over the next few months we will be transitioning seven Nutrabolics supplements into gluten-free formulas. Watch for the black and yellow gluten-free symbol on Anabolic Window™, Mass Fusion™, Glutabolic™, Creatine™, Hydropure ™, Hyperwhey™ and Isobolic™.
To read more about whether you can be a successful bodybuilder on a gluten free diet, click here!