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Back Attack and MMA fighters
BUILT - Jayson Wyner
Q: Jayson, I’ve noticed you’ve got amazing back definition. Do you have any tips for lat pull-downs? A: Pull-downs aren’t routinely done for low reps with a heavy weight; range of motion is essential... more
Whole Foods Vs Supplements
Supplement Godfather - Don Gauvreau
In a perfect world, every human being would be able to consume adequate amounts and a wide variety of whole, natural foods in their everyday diets. Foods consumed in their natural form contain all of... more
Reverse Dieting
Elite Physique - Dan Kennedy
Reverse dieting is the term coined to describe the gradual reintroduction of food types and calories after the competition diet phase. It’s not uncommon (read: actually very common) for an athlete to... more
The Return of Christina Mehling
Freak Fitness - Darren Mehling
When I first met my wife, Christina Mehling, two of the many things that I was attracted to were her ability to focus and the level of determination with which she pursued her goals. This was... more
How To Lose Stubborn Body Fat
FEMALE MUSCLE - Tammy Strome
Q. How do you train/diet clients with stubborn body fat? A. What people tend to call stubborn body fat are really just areas on the body that have more fat cells that can be loaded with fat. When an... more
Biggest Breakthroughs In Sports Nutrition History
Supplement Godfather - Don Gauvreau
When I look back at the history of nutrition and how it’s evolved, there are some key discoveries that have really shaped the core of sports nutrition as we know it today. Although this list could be... more
