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QUESTION: Is it necessary to go for max singles if my goal is to build muscle mass? I understood that the most important factor in building muscle was doing lots of volume, not intensity.  ANSWER: ... more
Exercise Form
Mass With Glass - Charles Glass
QUESTION: You recently put MUSCLE INSIDER owner Scott Welch through an insane leg workout and we saw you do modified leg press unlike anything we've ever seen before. His foot was twisted so much... more
48 Plate Leg Presses for 20 Reps!
Mass Secrets - Greg Kovacs
QUESTION: I’ve heard stories and read stuff back in the day about how big and strong you were that seem a tad bit exaggerated. Come on, man. What were your real measurements and lifts? No bullshit... more
QUESTION: I read MUSCLE INSIDER and think you guys do an amazing job of telling it like it is!  My problem is that whenever I increase my calories in the off-season, my face breaks out like a pizza... more
Herculean Back
The Bodybuilding Professor - Bryan Haycock
QUESTION: My chest responds really well to pretty much anything I do, but my lats suck. No matter what I do, they never seem to grow. What can I do? ANSWER: Building an impressive Herculean back... more
Alcohol & Bodybuilding
Uncensored - Scott Welch
QUESTION: I love drinking beers on the weekends with the boys and picking up the ladies! I train all week for the ladies. Work my ass off doing a stupid job for the ladies. Go through traffic jams... more
