Tackling Stubborn Belly Fat
Q. I tend to hold more fat around my belly. What’s the best way to get rid of it?
A. Unfortunately, spot reduction is a myth, so you really can’t target your belly. However, with a focused diet and training program, you’ll achieve weight loss over your entire body. You will have to lose everywhere to lose your belly. If it’s a stubborn area, you may have to get extremely lean in other body areas before you have a noticeable difference in your belly. For example, some of our female clients have too much junk in the trunk, and that area is usually the last to go. I think it is mostly due to density of the fat. Some areas for them just aren’t as dense (arms for example) and seem to cut up quicker, but the glutes just don’t want to come in. This is just a matter of sticking with it, and eventually they have lower body success. This may be the case with you. Stick to a good diet and workout plan, hit your cardio religiously, and, over time, you will lose your spare tire. Good luck!