QUESTION: Do you think supersets should be included in a weight training program?
ANSWER: Yes, absolutely. Supersets add variety to your workout, help bring up lagging body parts, increase the intensity of your workouts and cut down on the amount of time you spend in the gym. A superset is a principle that involves using two different exercises, done consecutively without rest for the same muscle group or antagonistic muscle groups. It’s a great way to stimulate stubborn muscles into new growth. The following are supersets I routinely use once a month to try to shock my muscles into new growth:
Chest/Back Supersets:
Incline bench press superset with pull downs
Flat bench press superset with t-bar rows
Decline bench press superset with rack dead lifts
Biceps/Triceps Supersets:
Push downs superset with low cable biceps curls
Skull crushers superset with cambered bar biceps curls
Overhead dumbbell tricep extensions superset with preacher curls
Quads Supersets
Lunges superset with sissy squats
Leg presses superset with leg extensions
Shoulders Supersets
Smith machine presses superset with plate front raises
Lateral raises superset with upright rows
Of course there are many more superset options available to you so make use of the equipment you have in your gym to constantly change up your routine. The idea is to take your workout to new levels for a refreshing and muscle making change. Supersets will do just that.