Question: As a competitor, how heavy should I get in the off-season?
ANSWER: Keeping body fat levels under control should be a major concern for off-season athletes. Getting too fat in the off-season only means that the athlete will have to diet longer and harder when it comes time to rip up. What off-season athletes have to realize is that the fatter they get in the off-season, the more efficient their bodies become at storing body fat. Not a good scenario. Luckily, the opposite is true. If you stay lean, your body becomes better over time at remaining in this state and also becomes more effective at putting on muscle. What do I think are good numbers for off-season physique athletes? I like to go by the mirror, but if you insist on numbers, here you go (see chart below):
Obviously, you’ll have to adjust my numbers for shorter or lighter weight classes, but I’m certain you get my drift. It’s crucial for bikini and figure athletes to stay closer to stage weight as photo opportunities are more readily available. Gone are the days when bodybuilders could get fat in the off-season and book numerous photo shoots around contest time, when they’re in prime shape. Photographers demand in-shape athletes all year, so if you are out of shape or can’t get in shape in time, you’re really doing yourself a disservice.
Bikini - No more than 5 to 10 pounds above contest weight
Fitness/ Figure - No more than 15 pounds above contest weight
Female Bodybuilder - No more than 15 to 20 pounds above contest weight
Male Bodybuilder - No more than 20 to 30 pounds above contest weight
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Photo of Pharmafreak athlete Anth Bailes, courtesy of Chris Bailey