You were one of the most popular bodybuilders of all time. What were some of the craziest examples of fans obsessed with the Kovacian?
I’ll give you one example of many. I was in Iceland for an appearance and was at a banquet following my guest posing I did at the show. A female fan came up to me and chatted with me for a little while and seemed nice enough— nothing out of the ordinary. Then I was in the bathroom in one of the stalls, and all of a sudden, this girl jumped over the stall and started to grope me. Luckily for her, I was done my business and just doing my pants up. But still. She literally wrapped herself around me and held on like her life depended on it. I walked out of the washroom with this girl hanging off me. Security had to literally peel her off me. She had a vice-grip on me. That was an interesting experience.