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Everything You need to know about CLA
Supplement Godfather - Don Gauvreau
Interest in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) was first generated back in the mid to late ‘90s when researchers discovered its cancer- FIghting properties. Since then, it’s been heavily studied for its... more
You’ve seen the scales at gyms that claim to be able to read your body fat accurately (also known as bioelectrical impedance scales). You’ve seen skin-fold testing, in which a trained professional... more
More On Metabolic Damage
FEMALE MUSCLE - Tammy Strome
While the desire for abs and low body fat may drive you, do not sacrifice your health in the pursuit. Last issue you wrote what metabolic damage is, but you never revealed how to prevent it! Don’t... more
Monster! Come back!
The Romano Factor - Jaime Filer
By the time I became one of the many Venice bodybuilders who had a membership at both Gold’s and World gyms, Arnold Schwarzenegger —World Gym’s most famous member—was well into his meteoric rise to... more
Before Arnold/After Arnold
Uncensored - Scott Welch
Certain events and dates in history mark the change of an era. One of the most significant is the birth of Jesus, which the Gregorian calendar uses to distinguish A.D. from B.C. Others include the... more
7 Ways to Get Ripped Fast
Elite Physique - Dan Kennedy
MUSCLE INSIDER asked me to reveal my secrets for getting shredded in the shortest time possible. To come up with these, I essentially asked myself what I know now that I wish I’d known when I first ... more
