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Fat Loss Tidbits 3 grams is the magic number for fish oil More studies have come out on the benefits of taking fish oil than practically any other supplement. If you’re not taking it yet, you’re... more
The Best Foods To Reduce Inflammation In Your Joints
Sports Medicine - Dr. Ken Kinakin
Weight training can be hard on your joints, but if you have the proper nutrients from food to help reduce the inflammation, you can sustain healthy joints for a lifetime. Here are a few things to... more
Muscle Beach Blast
Muscle Talk - Jaime Filer
Mecca YouTube Video of the month This was a big month at the Mecca and for MuscleInsiderTV subscribers! We brought you All-Access to Oksana Grishina, a workout with WWE Superstar Chris Matthews,... more
Steroids and the media
The Romano Factor - John Romano
“Show me the bodies…” I first made that statement in an interview with Armen Keteyian on HBO’s Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel. And again not that long after in the critically acclaimed steroid... more
Motivation - The Bodybuilding Breed
The Romano Factor - John Romano
I Think We Overthunk It… A scraggly old Brit named Alfred, Lord Tennyson once said, “’tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” While such an attempt at drama wasn’t the... more
Dieting for competition or just to look great with your shirt off can always be a challenge. Restricting total calorie intake, reducing carbs and fats, and increasing protein are usually common... more
