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My Opinion On Ketogenic Diets
Optimum Sports Nutrition - Dr. Ann de Wees Allen
Q. What’s your opinion of the use of ketogenic diets leading up to a bodybuilding or physique contest? A. Ketosis is one of the most severe metabolic mistakes in protein synthesis and utilization,... more
Training With Dorian
Muscle Diet - Mark Gilbert
Q. I saw you on the video for the Dorian Yates Blood & Guts seminar that MUSCLE INSIDER put on. What would you say were the top 5 best training secrets you learned? The one main thing I... more
Where Does Protein Powder Come From
The Informant - The Informant
Q. Where do supplement companies buy their protein? A. The 6 biggest players that supply most of the protein on the market are Glanbia (who also own Optimum Nutrition and BSN), Fonterra, Saputo,... more
Collagen In Protein Bars
Power Eating - Lauren Jacobsen
QUESTION: I’ve seen collagen in various protein bars on the market, and Scott Welch says this is a shit protein source in terms of quality. What does he mean by this? ANSWER: Well, Scott is right on... more
Getting Trained By Eric Dilauro
Power Eating - Lauren Jacobsen
QUESTION: You have recently switched trainers to Eric Dilauro and you seem to have made some remarkable progress in your physique. How has your training and diet changed? ANSWER: Thanks for... more
ECA Stack
Power Eating - Lauren Jacobsen
QUESTION: What exactly is the ECA stack, and how do the pros use this stack to burn fat? ANSWER: The ECA stack, which stands for ephedrine, caffeine, and acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), was made... more
