QUESTION: Greg, I’m a huge fan of yours and am so glad you’re now writing for MUSCLE INSIDER. You’re the true mass monster in my book. I’m an ectomorph and have a hard time putting on mass. In fact, I haven’t put on a pound in the last six months. I’ve been told I need to eat more food, but I can’t get anymore down! What else can I do?
ANSWER: I hear ya, man. While I’m obviously not an ectomorph, I still had a problem with consuming enough calories throughout the day to support my weight, let alone add any more! That being said, today there are quite a few high quality weight gainers available which can definitely help you chug down the extra calories you need. You can even try one of my Kovacian specials (see below). It’s a high-quality, nutrient dense shake perfect for those who are on a budget and want to put on quality mass. Have three a day: Consume one immediately upon awakening in the morning, another after training, and last one later in the evening, but not before bed, or, according to MUSCLE INSIDER Columnist Dr. Ann de Wees Allen, you’ll decrease natural GH output during sleep. Consistency and patience are the key for anything in bodybuilding and gaining weight is no different.
Kovacian Nutrient Dense Shake
• 1 cup large flake oatmeal
• 1 cup rice milk or lactose-free milk
• 2 scoops waxy maize powder
• 10 oz carton of unpasteurized egg whites
• 2 scoops peanut butter
• 1 banana