Gym under the clock
Some days, it’s hard to spend the amount of time in the gym you want to. Hectic work schedules, family emergencies, and short-notice appointments can wreak havoc on your training time. So what do you when you can only squeeze 45 to 60 minutes in the gym? How do you divide your time up between weight training and cardio? This depends on your goals. If your goal is burning fat, longer durations of cardio from 20 to 35 minutes are going to be the best bet for activating the body’s aerobic (fatburning) system. If your primary goal is building muscle, you should be spending at least 45 minutes weight training, but should also make sure to get in cardio as well. Cardio has many benefits that can actually enhance muscle building, such as increasing blood flow. I recommend pre-workout interval-style cardio, which engages the anaerobic system and helps to raise resting levels of ATP, creatine, and glycogen, as well as boosting lactic acid tolerance
Q: I heard your new song “Grown Up,” and it’s pretty sick. I especially like the concept of portraying sex as doing the “grown up”—definitely catchy! How do you balance staying ripped and running Nutrabolics while pursuing a career in the music industry?
A: Every moment must be scheduled. My life is like a marine’s: I’m up at 5 a.m. to do my cardio, work at the office all day, and train weights in the evening. After dinner, I spend time with friends then start recording or mixing around 9 p.m., depending on the day. Some days, my crew and I are up until 4 a.m. making music, and then I’m back to the grind the next day. It’s all about time management—and, of course, the great team of people around me!
Blitzing back
To read more from Jayson about his life and tips/tricks for bodybuilding, click here!