Cardio in a mass-training phase!?!?
QUESTION: Should I be doing any cardio if I’m in a mass-training phase?
ANSWER: This really depends on your body type (somatotype). In the case of the ectomorph, doing cardio would be detrimental to his mass-building program. He would just be burning up extra calories, which might otherwise be utilized for muscle growth. In the case of the rest of us (endomorphs and mesomorphs), some form of cardio can be beneficial in preventing the accumulation of body fat during the growing phase. It can also help increase circulation, enhance nutrient uptake, and remove waste byproducts created from heavy resistance training. The amount or intensity of cardio will also vary from person to person. For the guys I train, I recommend keeping cardio moderate (20-30 minutes per session) and no more than 3-4 times a week in their mass-training phase. Give it a shot and let me know how it goes.