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Training Zone - Steering Wheels
The Romano Factor - John Romano
Almost every day I see someone doing something in the gym that I think looks really stupid. I’m sure everyone has experienced this. There are even websites dedicated to gym idiots where clandestine... more
If you train hard, follow a strict diet, and don’t take too many days off in between your workouts, you’re more than likely deficient in a few areas when it comes to your nutrition. What you put in... more
Ever wonder why some people can eat tons of carbs and more calories and not get fat? Or why some people have terrible diets and don’t exercise, yet live into their 90s? Or why some people eat too... more
How do I keep my clients accountable
Freak Fitness - Darren Mehling
Being a highly regarded online competition prep coach, I have the opportunity to work with clients located both near and far, throughout the country and the world. Most clients I do eventually get to... more
Motivation Zone - Bring your Spotters
The Romano Factor - John Romano
It was sometime back in the ‘80s when a dude named Calvin Hancock, fresh off a five-year stretch at Lompoc, eased his way up the steps off Main Street, into World Gym, past Joe Gold (who growled at... more
Do Cheat Meals and Refeeds Work?
Elite Physique - Dan Kennedy
If you sit back and examine bodybuilding as a whole, you’ll realize what a dichotomy our sport truly is. In what sport is it essential to fail on a daily basis in order to improve and succeed? In... more
