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Back Attack and MMA fighters

Q: Jayson, I’ve noticed you’ve got amazing back definition. Do you have any tips for lat pull-downs?

A: Pull-downs aren’t routinely done for low reps with a heavy weight; range of motion is essential. If the bar isn’t reaching your upper chest on the greater part of your reps, you’re going too heavy. Always remember to squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top of each rep.

Q: I saw Rashad Evans at your booth at the Olympia this fall and was blown away by how much of a fan following he has. What was he like, and what supplements do MMA fighters like him use?

A: Rashad was a great guy and a pleasure to work with—very personable. Fighters can take advantage of a number of supplements depending on their training needs, season, and individual goals. But the supps often used by fighters seem to include full spectrum protein powders and complete greens formulas, and many love our Athlete’s Food. Like bodybuilders, powerlifters, and other athletes that hit the iron hard, many MMA fighters love our preworkout, Swollen.

To read more from Jayson about his life and tips/tricks for bodybuilding, click here!