I know you’ve heard this before: If you want success, you first need to visualize your goal.
Before I send you off to daydream about your own future hot body, I need to ask you to keep your goal... more
As the contest season quickly approaches, I get asked a lot about how much cardio I prescribe to my clients for competition preparation. My simple answer is “I don’t know.” I say this because I can’t... more
“You only go around once, so you might as well have big arms.”—Socrates
Or maybe it was a guy at my gym that said that. I’m not sure now, but somebody cool said it. That raises the question of how to... more
Diets are commonly based on the idea that the person must eat every two to three hours. When employing this logic, it’s normal for a diet to consist of five or six meals. This has pretty much been... more
With increasing interest in natural competitions and an influx of competitors in the sport who prefer to participate as “natural” athletes, there seems to be a debate about fat-loss supplements and... more
Muscle, Smoke & Mirrors:
Volume III, Book 1
A Review
Randy Roach is a famed bodybuilding historian who has a stellar reputation in the hardcore underground world as someone who calls a spade a... more