One of the biggest challenges people face while trying to...
If you know anyone who’s been to a gym in the last 20 years, you’ve heard of creatine. If you’ve...
“You only go around once, so you might as well have big arms.”—Socrates
Or maybe it was a...
I remember watching Pumping Iron for the first time when I was 16. I’d already been training for...
So the contest is over. You’ve reflected on your prep and analyzed your placing. You’ve found a...
I cringe a bit when people say they have a width day and a thickness day for back. I get what...
Guts. When I hear the words “guts”, I usually think of Braveheart shit: engaging a much stronger...
So you want a big chest? You’ve been bench pressing for years and can push some good iron, yet...
We’ve all been there at one point. Every bodybuilder who’s really hardcore about putting on...
If any of you follow The Rock on social media, you may have seen his short Instagram videos, in...
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