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Dana Bushell

Q: Is there any advantage to using accessories such as lifting straps, knee wraps and belts? Every time I bring one of those things out I’m told it’s cheating to move more weight....

Lunch With Dorian Yates

From the time I became interested in bodybuilding up to now, the one person I always believed best personified bodybuilding, from his hardcore...

QUESTION: Do you think supersets should be included in a weight training program?

You’ve seen him onstage; you’ve seen him in the magazines. His articles can be found on the Muscle Insider website and if you’ve had the opportunity to meet him in person you quickly find he’s...

QUESTION: My question regards my 8 year old son. He is very athletically gifted. He loves football and wrestling. Now he has taken an interest into going to the gym with me. We focus on...
