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Kevin Munro

Kevin Munro
Personal Trainer, YMCA

With a competitive bodybuilding background behind him, Kevin Munro joined the Gloucester and Ottawa Police Service 32 years ago already knowing the value of a fit physique. To maintain his fitness level, he kept regular gym memberships. Due to his varied interests in all things fitness, and a strong desire to help others set and reach their own fitness goals, Kevin later obtained his personal trainer certification. Considered an older adult (55+), Kevin’s specialty is with the older adult population. He teaches “muscle maintenance for older adults,” which is a 13-week course showing them the safe and most effective way to a healthier body, and he instructs a “total muscle conditioning” class every Saturday as well as an “extreme interval” class once a week. “My mission is to get more men contestants in both the masters and grand masters categories for future competitions,” Kevin says. “I want to make sure that no matter your age, a standing ovation could be waiting for you.” Look for Kevin in the judge’s chair as a regional judge for the Ontario Physique Association once he retires from the police force next year.