Name: Cassie Day
Social media:
Gym Name and Address: All Day Fit - 266 King St West, Toronto, ON
Why should YOU be Canada’s Top trainer?
If you asked me the question, “if you had all the money in the world, what would you do?”, my answer would still be “to do the exact same thing I am doing now, a trainer”. I was born to lead, coach and empower people to be their best selves. My time is a balancing act between running two successful fitness companies, training myself and furthering my education and I couldn’t be any happier. Fitness changed my life! I carry that passion and inspiration forward into every session and conversation I have with my clients and the coaches I mentor. The community I have created has become my family and we are all invested in others’ successes. I strongly believe that strength training is for everyone and am on a mission to educate, motivate and improve lives.