Name: Andrew Pearson
Occupation: Photographer
Home Gym, city and province: GoodLife, in London, Ontario
Cooking style: Winging it, starting with an idea, then mixing and matching flavours and layers to attain my vision.
Why did you decide to start making healthy recipes?
I realized there were so many inexpensive ingredients that were rarely used in baking. Some were incredible for our health and also have astounding macro and micronutrients. While dieting, I realized I could easily turn my pre-workout oats into muffins that were incredible! After that, everything just took off.
What do you think is the reason #CleanEating is so popular?
I’ve often seen clean eating used in combination with homemade guilt-free treats that are low in carbs, sugars, and fats and often higher in protein. That enables athletes to enjoy treats without it massively hindering their health and performance. Not to mention, sweets taste amazing! It turns dieting into something much more sustainable as a lifestyle.
What is your greatest success or transformation story in the health/fitness industry?
I decided to diet down and do my own photo shoot in order to understand my clients better. Through that, I actually didn’t change in weight a whole lot, but the recomposition that happened was astounding. Every week I got stronger and grew. In a side-by-side photo it’s really drastic, and I looked much bigger afterwards!
Why do you think you can rep Optimum Nutrition like a boss? What do you love about the brand?
I think flavouring is one of the most important factors for most people. If your supplements don’t taste absolutely phenomenal, most people simply won’t use it. Optimum Nutrition has some of the wildest protein flavours I’ve ever tried that can be easily incorporated and substituted in daily to have a healthier lifestyle, and I’m going to show you how!
Why should YOU be Canada’s Best Protein Chef?
I’ve had a love affair with cooking since I was a child. I’ve always been fascinated by the interactions between ingredients. I do far more than just simplistic recipes; I also teach people how to quickly customize for their own requirements and improve digestion. Food for function can taste absolutely incredible when you learn what you’re doing!
What is your favourite Optimum Nutrition product and why?
Without any question, it’s the Performance Whey. With 250 to 500 millilitres of almond milk and some ice, it tastes almost identical to the milkshakes from the golden arches. Except this has under 220 calories versus up to 1100! It’s versatile and perfect!
Check Andrew out online on Instagram and Facebook!