As a regular reader of MUSCLE INSIDER, you’re always on the lookout for the newest training strategy that the champions are using, or the latest diet protocol that everyone is doing. It gets tiring...
Magazine Feature
2016-08-24 10:09
5th Annual Trainer of the Year Challenge
For the fifth year in a row, MUSCLE INSIDER put on its annual Trainer of the Year Challenge and the response was absolutely overwhelming. Never in...
Magazine Feature
2016-08-24 09:58
The New Celebrity Apprentice: Arnold Schwarzenegger Appears in Trailer for 8th Season of Reality Show
"Brains, brawn and business acumen - we're building a better boss."
Getting fired sucks.
2016-08-23 14:08
Is Mike Rashid the new gift?
The bodybuilding world can be a truly interesting mistress. You just never quite know what you’re going to learn from day to day or week to week. Just last month the...
2016-08-22 15:01
Mr Olympia, Phil Heath recently talked about not viewing the former bridesmaid as a serious threat; believing the younger bodybuilders present a realistic threat to Kevin Levrone that he's possibly...
2016-08-22 11:11
2016 Arnold Classic Asia Contest Results
Men's Bodybuilding
1. Justin Compton
2. Fred Smalls
3. Brandon Curry
4. Kevin Jordan
5. Clarence DeVis
6. Max...
Contest Result
2016-08-22 09:35
In this episode of the Gaspari exercise tutorial series, Rich demonstrates the Steering Wheel Lateral raise (it's also been called the "Bus Driver" in some circles). This is a killer exercise for...
You Tube Video
2016-08-22 09:27
Ask the Scientist
In this episode, Dr. Jeff Golini answers a viewer who wants to know if it's okay to use Kre-Alkalyn Hardcore before training and then regular Kre-Alkalyn after training....
You Tube Video
2016-08-22 09:22
“It’s Go Time!”—the rallying cry of hardcore teams and individuals in any sport, all over the world. You could say it’s perfect for training, too. What we mean is that Perfect Sports has nailed the...
Product Review
2016-08-21 18:26
We've been all over the Connecticut area with IFBB Pro Jillian Reville, and the tour doesn't stop! We've seen Super Gym, Achieve Fitness, and now Iron Factory. Each gym has its own distinct...
You Tube Video
2016-08-19 07:24
The team that plays together stays together
“CrossFit: the only sport where the loudest cheers
are for the last to finish.”
Cheering for whom?! What does this phrase even...
Magazine Feature
2016-08-19 07:14
When Pumping Iron author Charles Gaines first saw women bodybuilders in the late 1970s he declared they represented a “new archetype” – a kind of body never seen before in any...
Magazine Feature
2016-08-18 14:02
DaveMadMax catches up with IFBB Pro Bleu Taylor and friends leading up to the NPC USAs. At 5am, Dave and Bleu check on all the competitors Bleu has competing in the show, and we get a sneak peak at...
You Tube Video
2016-08-18 13:33
Everyone loves Morgan Aste, not just becasue he's a 300+lb beast, but because... Well, maybe because he's a 300+lb beast. This monster is a hardcore competitor in Europe, and whenever he drops by The...
You Tube Video
2016-08-18 13:02
Chris Bell burst on to the fitness industry scene and gained notoriety in 2008 with his educational, entertaining, and very controversial film, Bigger, Stronger, Faster. BSF is a documentary that...
Magazine Feature
2017-01-18 22:03
Peter McGough Receives the 2016 Ben Weider Lifetime Achievement Award
Peter McGough has been touted as one of the greatest bodybuilding journalist of all time, and for good reason. Having worked...
2016-08-16 10:27