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New Year, New You

Jaime Filer

2018 Is Gonna Be a Helluva Year!

We all know that during the new year, it would be cliché to use phrases like “resolve to be in the best shape of your life,” “new year, new you,” and “set goals for the next 365 days.” Those are commonplace and clichés because they’re also truisms. We don’t need to remind you how important your goals are. Your goals should be what wake you up and get you out of bed every single day. Having the body of your dreams should be what gets you to the gym while the rest of the world is just getting up. Following through on your promises to yourself should be what drives you to be a beast in the gym, besting yourself every single session by one pound, one rep, or one set. 

So we don’t need to tell you that your resolutions should be a priority this year, and that you should finally get off your ass and commit to doing what you said you were going to do last year, or the year before, or hell, even five years ago.

With that said, we still want to be your training partner in the gym and your sous-chef in the kitchen when it comes to helping you reach your goals! And so, we’ve chosen the articles in our Fat-Loss Issue very carefully. We have a one-on-one with MUSCLE INSIDER cover model and 2017 Arnold Classic Men’s Physique champion Ryan Terry as we get his insight on abs training. We have a feature about the ultimate cardio showdown: high-intensity interval training versus low-intensity steady state. We’ve all heard the arguments for and against both sides, but we intend to put this debate to rest once and for all. HIIT throws down against LISS, and MUSCLE INSIDER crowns the winner. Then we have a feature about how gyms can scam you and take advantage of how the human psyche operates, especially around the new year. Additionally, we tackle a pretty controversial topic, one that’s well timed as you explore what supplements can help enhance your fat-loss efforts. In a feature written by the Supplement Godfather himself, Don Gauvreau, we take a look at the upper limits for caffeine intake; are we abusing our bodies and hindering our progress by taking too much?

Of course, in addition to all these features, we have all the columns from our usual gang of brilliant minds, educating you about what you’re doing right (and wrong) when it comes to fat loss. We encourage you to read through the re-debut of resident scientist Dr. Jeff Golini as he talks about Kre-Alkalyn for bikini competitors, and our resident IFBB Pro Ron Partlow talks about how to distract yourself while you’re dieting for a show. We also branch out and talk about how to market and brand yourself correctly on social media, which is an especially relevant topic if you’re thinking of starting or building an online business in the new year.

As always, we’ve got you covered from top to bottom, brain to brawn, with everything you want and need to know to “resolve to be in the best shape of your life!” this year. From brains to brawn to blazing fat loss, we’ve got you covered.

Stay strong.
Jaime Filer
