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2014 BSN Trainer of the Year Challenge


Coach Sandra Compton is the best of Canada’s best

The ascent of the fitness movement since the 1980s has fostered an ever-increasing need for good personal trainers. In some places, having a personal trainer is akin to having a doctor, a dentist, or a lawyer, except that you see them four or five days a week. It usually takes a while for what is initially perceived as a phenomenon to worm its way into a generation’s way of life, to the degree that enough people are involved in it for it to become something that needs to be regulated. Being certified is one thing, but there are a lot of barely average personal trainers out there who are certified. How does a person who wants real results from the aid of a good personal trainer find one and, on the other hand, how does a great personal trainer prove to the world that he or she can get the job done?

That question is so good that supplement giant BSN partnered up with MUSCLE INSIDER to entertain a challenge that would allow one trainer to outshine Canada’s best. Now, that is an ambitious, if not daunting, endeavor considering the multitude of truly exceptional trainers working their magic out there today. But, I can describe it like this: Double-A baseball has some amazing players. To watch them in action, you just can’t imagine that there is the big league above them. But there is, and they are the best of the best. And among those best rise the stars among whom one shines brighter than the rest. That’s exactly what we have here for you today: Canada’s best trainer.

This year’s winner of the BSN Canadian Trainer of the Year challenge is Sandra Compton-Despres. “Coach Compton,” as she’s known all over social media, is certified by NCCP and‎ CanFitPro and specializes in boot camp training and weight-loss transformation with an emphasis on kickboxing, boxing, weight training and cross training. Working in a typical office setting for many years as an executive assistant to a financial planner, Sandra always had a keen interest in kickboxing/boxing and began assisting in coaching classes at the club. It wasn’t long before she realized her time for sitting behind a desk was up. With a commendable weight loss under her belt, she got involved in the world of competition. These experiences then launched her passion and quest for helping others transform their own lives. This is what started her personal training business, Coach Compton Fitness.

Clients gravitate toward Sandra because she was once one of them, struggling with her own weight loss. She can therefore empathize and be real with each individual. She feels like and equal to them and can understand their obstacles because she’s been there herself. More than just coaching her clients in living a healthy lifestyle, Sandra also coaches their minds in overcoming any roadblocks they may have, to the degree that Sandra can boast of a client who lost 130 pounds and transformed not only their body and mind but also their life!

Sandra says, “I am very blessed to have clients that trust in me, and my ability to walk step by step beside them getting from point A to point B. Watching them realize daily, weekly, monthly progress is an incredible thing. I can see the transformation happening not only in their body, but also in their mind and their own belief in themselves, making them realize they are truly worth it. ‎That is the greatest accomplishment!”

Google “BSN Canadian Trainer of the Year 2014” and you get pages and pages of hits that will direct you to coach Sandra Compton.

Specialty: “Boot camp” training and weight-loss transformation coach

Certifications: NCCP and‎ CanFitPro

Home gym: Waterloo Boxing Academy and GoodLife, Kitchener, ON.

Training style: Kickboxing, boxing, weight training and cross training

Of course there are other great trainers out there, and several of them also took part in the BSN challenge. We wanted to mention two of them because it was neck and neck for a while between the three.

Heather LeBlanc

Specialty: Promoter, Personal trainer, motivator and social media wizard

Certifications: Certified Personal Fitness Trainer (PFT), Resistance Training Leadership (RTL), Fitness Theory (FT), Group Fitness Leader (GFL – Portable Equipment/Choreography), Zumba Basic 1 and Zumba Gold Instructor and Certified National Level CBBF Judge

Home gym: Gymnasia Dieppe Fitness, Moncton, NB

Training style: Pyramid building or circuit training

Heather stays in shape year round to set the example: “If I can do it, you can do it too.” She has a strong connection with her clients because she too has been in their shoes. She can recognize their own personal struggles in wanting to change their lifestyle or sculpt their bodies. And that common ground breeds success.

Randy Madsen

Specialty: Bodybuilding

Certifications: None

Home gym: Fredericton, NB

Training style: Bodybuilding

Knowledge, responsiveness, and attention to detail allow Randy to coach people to realize their potential. While he gravitates toward bodybuilding, his passion and knowledge know no bounds when it comes to improving the body and the quality of life of anyone.