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I’ve seen many approaches to “off-season” dieting over the past 30+ years. The biggest mistake I see in these well-intentioned plans is the expectation that the ramping up of calories over the course... more
Inspiration Zone - The secret
The Romano Factor - Jaime Filer
I love weight training. I love the mental challenge it presents and the intense feeling of how far I can push myself. I love the feeling of ice water flowing through my veins after a drop set to... more
More Muscles for Longer Life The prevailing thought among scientists and researchers (and personal trainers!) was that the more overweight or underweight you were, the higher your mortality risk.... more
Talk to Yourself to Play Harder and Run Longer! Those of you who have training partners know that phrases such as “You got this!” and “Lightweight!” are encouraging and help you push harder in the... more
How are competitions really judged
Freak Fitness - Darren Mehling
WHAT DO THE JUDGES REALLY ASSESS? At every bodybuilding show, there are always a few competitors who feel they deserved a higher placing. Many times, you see them moping around the lobby, looking for... more
What Is Glutathione? Glutathione is a naturally occurring molecule found in all living cells. When glutathione levels are depleted, cells encounter functional problems and ultimately, death.... more
