Roger "Rock" Lockridge is Muscle Insider's Senior Writer and has been involved in the fitness industry in multiple roles since 2002, including as a personal trainer and supplement sales associate for multiple locations. He is best-known as a freelance writer whose work has been featured by publications such as Muscle & Fitness, Men's Health, BarBend, Bodybuilding.com, and others. As of 2022, he's had over 2,100 articles published in print and digitally in ten languages on six continents. His personal transformation and story has been featured in a variety of outlets such as Men's Health, Muscle & Fitness, Huffington Post, Deseret News, Muscle & Strength, and Bodybuilding.com. Lockridge has contributed to Muscle Insider since 2021. He lives in West Virginia with his wife and son.
By Roger “Rock” Lockridge
On June 7, Netflix released the anticipated three-part documentary series on seven-time Mr. Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger, simply titled “Arnold.” The documentary has been well received in its short time on the streaming service, but some fans may not have seen it just yet. If that applies to you, then you can be assured that the series is an in-depth look at the life of a man that has transcended bodybuilding, Hollywood, and even politics, which are also how the episodes are broken down.
Part 1: Athlete
The documentary begins with a look at Schwarzenegger’s childhood and upbringing in Austria as well as how he became connected to the sport that he would be connected to throughout the rest of his life. From his admiration of Reg Park to his journey through the early stages of competition, you can see photos and videos of the young version of Arnold never seen before. He talks about both the highs and lows of his career, including his infamous lossed to Frank Zane at the 1968 Mr. Universe and Sergio Oliva at the 1969 Mr. Olympia. The episode culminates with his Mr. Olympia victories as well as his transition into acting. The only component that was missing that I personally wish he spoke more about was his 1980 Mr. Olympia comeback.
Part 2: Actor
Schwarzenegger may have made the transition from champion bodybuilder to Golden Globe winning actor look easy, but he spoke a lot about the struggles that he faced early on in his career. You also get insights from other big Hollywood names such as James Cameron and Sylvester Stallone, who was considered the biggest rival to Schwarzenegger in the 1980’s. From Conan the Barbarian to Terminator and even up to the early 2000’s, you can see a glimpse into how Schwarzenegger went from someone trying to avoid being typecast to a box-office record-setting leading man. You also can see the early signs of him being ready for yet another change, which transitions to the final episode.
Part 3: American
In the final installment of the series, Schwarzenegger talks about how he prepared for his run as Governor of California in 2003 following the recall movement of then Governor Gray Davis. Davis and journalists that covered his campaign shared their thoughts about his run to Sacramento as well as the scandals that came out during that time. Schwarzenegger held nothing back and spoke candidly about his shortcomings as well as the end of his marriage following the reveal of his son, Joseph Baena once he left office. He expressed brutal honesty and regret, while speaking positively about his relationship with Joseph. The documentary also covered his work and advocacy for the environment, speaking out against hate movements, and other causes that he was passionate about.
Obviously, we don’t want to share everything here because you should really see the full series for yourself, but you can be sure that you see a side of Schwarzenegger that you may not have seen before, and the interactions with his animals make it even more enjoyable. Yes, he shovels the stalls himself. “Arnold” is available to watch on Netflix now.
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